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Our minimally invasive technology addresses a number of disease state diagnostics including allergy testing, pain-free automated glucose monitoring, and cholesterol monitoring...
Allergy Test System
The SensiVida Allergy Test System offers the allergist an objective, painless allergy testing system that consists of the following:

A disposable microlancet chip / cartridge that painlessly and rapidly administers the allergies.

2. A compact imaging module / digital imager that captures real-time allergic reactions and sends images and data wirelessly or via a USB interface to a computer provided at no cost.

3. User-friendly software that allows the user to monitor the allergic reaction area. An e-record patient report is automactically created which can be be printed or transmitted.
SensiVida Medical Technologies
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SensiVida Allergy Test System
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Several configurations for the allergen chip / cartridge are covered by SensiVida patent applications.
The simplest involves a microlancet array individually coated with the set of allergens in water-soluble mixture. Upon insertion into the subject, the aqueous interstitial fluid dissolves the allergen matrix, allowing it to diffuse into the skin, thereby triggering the allergic reaction. In another embodiment, capsulated allergens are packaged in a one-to-one ratio with each microlancet and released upon actuation.
A removable film seals the packaged allergen array, keeping it sterile until it is ready to use.
The SensiVida Allergy Test provides a number of benefits to physicians and patients:
Allergy Test System
Glucose Monitor